Thursday, October 13, 2011

Land Surveyor: What He Can Do for You

People often overlook the importance of getting their real estate properties surveyed. Some of the good excuses are, they got the property from a mortgage/lender company, or it is a waste of time and is expensive. Well, let us discuss why you must have the property surveyed by a land surveyor if you plan to purchase.

Mortgage companies are wise enough to pass the responsibility to the buyer. They do not have the property surveyed before handing it to the buyer simply because they are aware of the significance of not including the survey matters in title insurance policies. Another reason is to refrain from claims of rights and possessions and encroachments, of course, this is to protect their interests and investments.

So the tendency is, once you purchased a property without a survey, problems such as claims of encroachments by a neighbor, or rights to easements by a service company likely arise at a later time after you have settled yourself and built your dream house on the property. This is a major headache! You will surely shell out big bucks even twice or three times the amount you would spend if only you consulted a land surveyor before anything else.

Here is a quick overview of what a land surveyor does for you to understand, in depth, why you must get one to survey your property. The most important part of their job description is to establish an official boundary of land, water or airspace. They do this by researching historical boundaries, and taking measurements. Since they establish boundaries, it is crucial that the measurements are accurate.

So you realize getting your property surveyed by a land surveyor will save you a fortune, after all having that peace of mind and peaceful living are priceless. In any cases that someone claims that your fence is encroached in a portion of their property, or a sewerage company claims rights to easements to access your property for a repair or maintenance, then you will have legal means to fight for your claim.

When your property is being surveyed by a professional land surveyor you will know the exact measurements and boundaries of your property area. You can do anything you want as long as you will don't go beyond your property's boundaries. So you will be confident enough to claim your rights to your property, after all a land surveyor does his job carefully and thoroughly.

So when you plan to purchase real estate property, make sure to consult a professional land surveyor. Here is another crucial thing, do not just hire someone who claims to be a land surveyor or you will get yourself enough problems! Look for a professional one, and someone who has a good reputation since you are dealing with something that can be disputed and legal, it would be best to be very careful with getting someone who will not get you into trouble.

It is surely worth the money you spend to be able to living peacefully with your neighbors and to be sure of the boundaries of the property you own.

Keith Maxwell is a licensed Professional Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor in Alabama. He is also a Certified Floodplain Manager and has consulted for over 25 years. His surveying and engineering firm completed residential and commercial surveys throughout Alabama and surrounding states. They have extensive experience with GPS Surveying and ALTA Land Title Surveys. Visit us today at Montgomery Land Surveying for more information on land surveying and engineering.

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